Cisco Meraki Update & Use Cases


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How could Cloud Managed Infrastructure speed up your business?

Meraki integrates hardware, software and Cloud services. This user-friendly cloud architecture allows you to solve new business problems and to reduce operating costs.

In this Expert Talk some use cases from selected Meraki products will be presented. An efficient WLAN network in combination with Wi-Fi 6 can easily be set up, with multiply clients, in demanding environments. Additionally, SD-WAN can be implemented easily and very quickly.

Furthermore, Meraki has also entered the surveillance industry, radically rethinking it in the traditionally simplified Meraki-style by introducing cutting-edge smart cameras. Leveraging the Meraki APIs, companies like V-APP are currently presenting possibilities which have been unknown until now by illustrating newly gathered data and providing powerful Analytics, which is not only useful for the IT-Departments.



29th April 2021, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.



Dial in via Webex Events
(The presentation is in English)

Welcome & Introduction
Hans Peter Schöpf, Engineering Manager, NTS

Cisco Meraki Update & Use Cases
Manuel Lanz, Systems Engineer, NTS

V-App – Beyond WiFi
Alessandra Vizzini, Account Manager, Bizmate

Questions & Answers

We are looking forward to seeing you soon via Webex

Best regards,

Thomas Hausegger, Sales Director Österreich & Italien
Jürgen Tabojer, Sales Manager Deutschland
Harald Reicher, Territory Manager Steiermark & Kärnten
Alexander Müllner, Territory Manager Wien & Niederösterreich
Werner Mennel, Territory Manager Vorarlberg
Matthias Stigger, Territory Manager Tirol
Matthias Ploner, Territory Manager Italien